Perfect Career Guidance Center - Certified Career Counselor, Psychology, Life Clarity Coach

Perfect Career Guidance Center

Certified Career Counselor, Psychology, Life Clarity Coach

Chandigarh | Ludhiana | Amritsar | Mohali

Experience: 20+ yrs

About Counsellor:

PerfectCareer counselling is a domain of counseling that focuses on helping individuals find the right career pathway. In career counselling the individuals receive guidance from professional counselors that provide expert advice on the potentials, Aptitude, motivations, skills and shortcomings with the use of carefully designed assessment tools. These assessment tools are both subjective and objective. After carefully studying the individual's Interest and Aptitude, career counselors guide individuals to set their career goals.


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  • Two Detailed Counselling Session
  • 1 Hour Counselling Duration
  • 22+ Pages Detailed Career Report
  • 1 Year Post Counselling Support
  • 5 Dimensional Career Assessment included
  • Motivational Session
  • Study Techniques
  • Mind Mapping
  • Exam Details


  • Detailed Professional Profile Analysis
  • Two Detailed Counselling Session
  • 22+ Pages Detailed Career Report
  • 1 Year Post Counselling Support
  • 1 Hour Counselling Duration
  • Career Advancement Recommendations
  • Skills Development Recommendations
  • Motivational Session


Perfect Career Guidance Center - Certified Career Counselor, Psychology, Life Clarity Coach
Perfect Career Guidance Center - Certified Career Counselor, Psychology, Life Clarity Coach

109 Reviews:

Reviewed by Maitry Patel on 31-08-2024

I was impressed by the counselor’s thorough assessment of my skills and interests. Their insights were incredibly valuable and helped me make informed decisions about my career.

Reviewed by Nisha Malik on 31-08-2024

The counselor was empathetic and really took the time to understand my concerns. Their encouragement and advice helped me navigate a difficult career transition with confidence and ease.

Reviewed by Neha Jadav on 31-08-2024

The career counseling I received was life-changing. The counselor’s expertise and personalized advice helped me discover a career path that truly aligns with my passions and skills.

Reviewed by Niraj Detroja on 31-08-2024

The sessions were tailored to my specific needs and goals, making them highly effective. The counselor’s approach was both supportive and action-oriented, leading to real progress in my career planning.

Reviewed by Poonam Sharma on 31-08-2024

The counselor is incredibly professional and knowledgeable. They helped me understand my strengths and how to leverage them in my career. I feel more confident about my future now.