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Why career counselling should be done by expert career counsellors?

Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020


career counselling career guidance

46 Answers

Vibha Gandhi | Certified Career Counselo...

10th of February 2021 | 2 Likes


Career guidance is a very important activity that’s best when done at the earliest stage in life. Career counsellors are well equipped with all the knowledge and skills that can help groom and shape you in the appropriate career path alongside guide and motivate you to select the career that’s best as per your skills, abilities, learning style, personality and attributes. A career professional also supports you in irradiating stress and apprehension that may be caused due to wastage of precious time and money in inappropriate career choice that one realises after investing several years in wrong career path.

Secondly a career counsellor is unbiased, non-judgemental and have scientific approach to guide you on right career choice. Professional guidance taken at early stage enable the students and their parents to plan finance and other support system.

Vibha Gandhi, Certified Career Analyst

Shantilal Parmar | MSW...

16th of November 2020 | 2 Likes


An expert career counsellor has ability to identify, analyse and select top most suitability options for the candidate. He haa vast area of experience to counsel the students and parents to select right career path, intitute and study methods.

Fatema Rexinewala

31st of March 2020 | 2 Likes


A career counsellor will likely increase your chance to discover the right career for you. Which also helps you understnand your own fitment for different career paths.  It is a two way work, so you must be equally involved as well in order to contribute toward the results. An expert is capable to help you understand yourself well on various dimensions. These dimensions are critical for choosing the right career. There are very detailed analysis required and to exactly help you with this process, an expert is essential.

Ankit Agrawal

31st of March 2020

Very Informative

Kanishk Purohit

31st of March 2020

Very Informative

isetcareer bgl | B.E, M.E, PGDPPTTC, CCA...

9th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


A career Counsellor will make you realize your true potential, talents, skills and interest, clarity of goals, various career options that are suitable to you, thoughtful education and career choices.

Career counsellor use a scientific method to understand one s career path based on personality, interest, ability, learning style, priority of towards work and value in their life. Career Counsellor will make students understand suitable career streams and he will prepare a career plan. Thereby, students can follow their passion.


15th of August 2020 | 2 Likes


Career counselling experts are training and with the expertise they re at a better reach than the information that s avaiable in the Internet. The information is so vast and too confusing. The student might get more confused and would finally land up in a career that s not suitable for him/her. It s always more comforting to choose a career that s more suitable and apt for the child and the counsellor is the best person to guide.
